
Showing posts from April, 2017

Training A pakistani high flying pigeon for long flights in summer

This is the most detailed topic or discussion in pigeon fancy that how to train a high flyer pigeon for long flight ? Today, I will try to discuss this topic in steps. Flow will go in below given steps. 1.      Breed identification and its behavior. 2.      Nesting Period 3.      Separation of young birds from parents. 4.      New loft training 5.      First time releasing of young bird 6.      Duration of initial training to pet them  7.      Signs/behavior of becoming young bird your pet 8.      When to start proper training for long flight Let us start one by one. Breed Identification and its behavior Before getting into training, fancier need to determine the strength of the breed he has. In my first blog topic where I wrote in details regarding the behaviors of different Pakistani strains. Young birds training depends on breed.It is the only thing that can help you in predicting performance of young bird. For instance, every breed has its different behavior. I found

5 simple steps to prepare clean food for pigeons

Before heading toward method. Please understand the importance of clean food for flying pigeon. As for a human being it is very important to eat proper clean and hygienic food. Same it goes for all the animals and birds. When it comes to prepare a bird for competition its importance increases a lot. Follow these simple steps to prepare clean and hygienic food for your flying pigeons Step 1: Mix all the ingredients that you feed your birds. Here I am going to prepare feed mix for flying stock. It includes Millet, wheat and black chickpea(small). First take a standard size tub as below. It should be deep enough that after filling it with your feed mix it should contain space to fill water. Step 2: After filling half tub with your pigeon's feed mix, add water more than the level of your feed mix. Step 3:   When you see dirt, useless material or flowers and other wastage of your feed ingredients. By using your hands take out complete