
Showing posts from September, 2017

Different Flying Patterns of Flying Pigeons

                          After deep research and discussing with different experts I still feel that explaining different flying patterns of flying pigeons is a very difficult task. There is only one reason I found that the pigeon flying pattern derived from the pigeon’s structure and structure is directly connected to the gene of the pigeon. If we look in the past we will see that humans are keeping and breeding pigeons from long time and this breeding is not restricted to particular standards. This gives freedom to breeders and they sometimes breed different genes. It results as no standard flying pattern of pigeons. For example there are numerous patterns of rollers, tumblers and even high flyers.  First I will try to explain, what are the factors that are calculated to categories a flying pattern of pigeons? The most important factor of defining a flying pattern is the max altitude of flying pigeon. It means the maximum height that pigeon takes while flying, area of pigeon’s