The connection of pigeon eye signs with breeding and flying abilities

All-time discussion of pigeon fancier around the world. Specially the people that are mainly involve in pigeon flying sports such as pigeon racing or flying competitions. There are number of theories, myths, explanations even laws can be heard among the pigeon keepers’ communities. This is not only associated with endurance flying pigeons it is also can be heard in fancy pigeons. It has seen that pigeon keeper always tried to connect something with the eye color or structure. Weather it’s about breeding or performance. People are pretty much seeming agree to the pigeon eye signs methodology. The reason of writing this article to provide comparative analysis on the different thoughts or theories about eye signs. I will also try to explain scientifically so people can relate with these examples and can understand exactly what factors involve in what property of a Pigeon. Pigeon Eye Signs by color: Everyone must have witnessed number of different eye colors, s...