The connection of pigeon eye signs with breeding and flying abilities

All-time discussion of pigeon fancier around the world. Specially the people that are mainly involve in pigeon flying sports such as pigeon racing or flying competitions. There are number of theories, myths, explanations even laws can be heard among the pigeon keepers’ communities. This is not only associated with endurance flying pigeons it is also can be heard in fancy pigeons. It has seen that pigeon keeper always tried to connect something with the eye color or structure. Weather it’s about breeding or performance. People are pretty much seeming agree to the pigeon eye signs methodology. 

The reason of writing this article to provide comparative analysis on the different thoughts or theories about eye signs. I will also try to explain scientifically so people can relate with these examples and can understand exactly what factors involve in what property of a Pigeon.

Pigeon Eye Signs by color:

Everyone must have witnessed number of different eye colors, such as hazel, honey, brown, blue, green, grey in humans. Why there are number of different eye colors? Does it really make any difference on intelligence, performance of any individual? Like can someone prove that brown eyes guys can see better than black eye people. There is no such explanation or comparison found or researched by science. The reason is very simple that it does not make any sense to compare by eyes. Similarly, in pigeon one color of eye can be found in different breeds. Such as bull eyes (black eye) can be found in fancy (fantails), low flyers, high flyers and even in racers. So, what exactly changes with the eye in all these breeds?? They all help looking for each breed as same.

Pigeon eye signs by structure:

It has also been seen that there are number of different eye structures can be seen. Again, those structures are mainly prominent due to the color pigmentation. Pigmentation is mainly depending on the inner gene of the pigeon. For example, A fantail and high-flying pigeon have some structure and even color pigmentation of eyes can any body prove that they both will fly with exactly same duration.

Pigeon eye signs connection to breeding abilities

This is another very strong debatable side of pigeon fanciers. There are number of pigeon fancier still believe that the pigeon who have for example grey circle around the pupil can become the best breeder. Further people also consider an eye that contain prominent circles regardless of any color would be the best breeder. Yes, it is possible that someone may had this experience with this color or structure of eyes but it was not happening because of eye color it may be happening due to blood line or breed of the pigeon. Our people actually connected everything with eye signs without any scientific proves but only on assumptions.

Here I don’t want to drag this article into scientific finding about the pigeon eye signs because this might not be very interesting. To give you clearer explanation I want to share with you some pictures with comparison so everyone can understand things easily.

Below comparison clearly showing how we are mixing up the eye signs theory with breed recognition.

Racer and Kasuri pigeon similar eye signs

On the left it’s the eye of racing homer pigeon that is made to fly at long distance and he does that due to its structure / bloodline. On the right hand it is an eye closeup of Kasuri high flying pigeon who fly in small rounds over the loft and stay there for long hours. Can two different things have same eye pattern?? If yes than what’s the reality in eye signs theory.

Let’s move forward with another very good example of a low flying pigeon with half yellow and half bull eye. 

Patti waley punjabi malwai kabooter

Can any body suggest what kind of abilities this pigeon could have such as breeding, homing and flying abilities? I feel that in this case eye sign philosophy fails again because it does not have proper rings or color pattern. On of similar kind of eye came in my experience who used to have brilliant homing and flying abilities. I tried and researched a lot to get the answer what eye signs is working for flying and what for breeding but after research I came to know that it was not about eye that help him to fly its is structure and bloodline that actually make a difference.

Further Some more eye signs for readers so you can guess who would be the pigeon behind these eyes. I really do not try to prove or blame anything or anyone about the eye signs. 

Pakistani High flyer

Racer homer Pigeon

Pakistani High Flyer

Pakistani High Flyer 2

Racer Homer Pigeons

There is no doubt it is not only in developing countries. In developed countries racer pigeon fanciers still believe in these signs. What exactly are the factors the effects on different skills of the pigeon such as flying abilities, breeding or homing is another chapter and I will be sharing with you all those articles in coming weeks.


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