
Showing posts from November, 2017

Early signs of dog health problem

By Emin Raja Dogs can get sick just like humans, and they can show some signs that can tell that they are suffering from Health problems. Every disease has different symptoms, and dog shows different signs of health problems. You can detect these early signs and know that it needs proper treatment rather than letting them go unnoticed. Some of the diseases and their signs are listed below. WORMS This is such a common health problem in the dog. It is so easy for them to get worms. These worms get inside the dogs and can be fatal. Like hookworms are very dangerous for dogs. Some of the worms like tapeworms and roundworms.  The sign they might show are Vomiting; it can be the first sign your dog will show. They could either eat less or more. Diarrhea can also be the sign of worm infestation, and it can be bloody as well. So, run for the vet as soon as  possible. EAR INFECTIONS Ear infections are again prevalent in dogs. Ear infections are caused by many things like allergies, mit

Best Book on Training flying pigeons for competitions

I always wanted to create an ethical way of training flying pigeons for competitions. It has been many years that I started this blog for pigeon lovers around the world. In this long journey of pigeon fancy, I learnt many things from my experience, my seniors and other resources available on internet and books. Now I can say that this journey has really made difference to new pigeon fanciers around the world. Now I have Youtube channel , A website and facebook group with over 900 active members. Everything is going pretty well and I feel that sooner or later I will be able to reach my destination where people will able to judge pigeons themselves and will not run after fake breeds or expensive bloodline. In my complete journey I came across with a very serious problem of using drugs on pigeons to increase the flying duration. It is a biggest problem in sub-continents and there is no such rules made to prevent from this abuse. I came up with an idea to write a book to tell people a

Top 5 High Flying Pigeon's Breeds

High flying pigeons are famous due to to their endurance flying and homing capabilities. This particular class of flying pigeons can be found across the world. They may have difference of colors, structures but these all breeds can fly in deep sky that human eye cannot see them. These pigeons spend maximum time of their flight in deep sky and can attain 1500 meters of height. At this altitude it is near to impossible to see them with naked eyes. There are top 5 famous high flying breeds. There can be many others but these 5 are on top. Skycutter Pigeon. These birds are also called orliks. This amazing breed of high flying pigeons developed Ukraine many years back. these pigeons have ability to fly straight from their loft and can go over 1500 meters of height. These birds never fly in rounds and just stay in one position while complete flying time. They are medium to large birds with big wing span and long tail. They have extra flexible elbow which gives them flexibility to m