Early signs of dog health problem

By Emin Raja

Dogs can get sick just like humans, and they can show some signs that can tell that they are suffering from Health problems. Every disease has different symptoms, and dog shows different signs of health problems. You can detect these early signs and know that it needs proper treatment rather than letting them go unnoticed.

Some of the diseases and their signs are listed below.


This is such a common health problem in the dog. It is so easy for them to get worms. These worms get inside the dogs and can be fatal. Like hookworms are very dangerous for dogs. Some of the worms like tapeworms and roundworms.  The sign they might show are
Vomiting; it can be the first sign your dog will show. They could either eat less or more. Diarrhea can also be the sign of worm infestation, and it can be bloody as well. So, run for the vet as soon as 


Ear infections are again prevalent in dogs. Ear infections are caused by many things like allergies, mites and excessive hair growth in deep in the ear and yeast and bacteria. Symptoms include bad smell from ears, the problem in keeping the balance, weird eye movement and swelling around and 
on the ear area. You might see them shaking their heads unusually.


Fleas are the worse and most clingy enemies of the dogs. Dogs can get fleas as easily and fleas do not waste any time to increase their number. Dogs can pick up fleas by playing in the dirt or some other dirty place. A symptom includes rapid hair loss and hot spots. Scratching and licking. It may also involve biting their skin.


Vomiting can be caused by many reasons it could because of some infections caused by worms or kidney failure or food poisoning. It may also cause by heatstroke. Symptoms may include excessive drooling, nausea and abdominal heaving. They will be very lazy and inactive. Vomiting can be bloody and continuous. Vomiting can dehydrate your dog. You need to be careful and go to the vet. Try to feed them with food like boiled potato and chicken without skin.


Parvovirus, parasites and many more problems like these can cause diarrhea in dogs. It can also damage your dog’s health quite severely. Symptoms include liquid and loose stool. It may also include fever and lazy and dizziness due to diarrhea. Your dog will not be strong enough to move. If your dog is infected with parvovirus and it will take almost 3-day recover from it.


One thing we may neglect is our dog's age. Their weak and poor health can also be the sign of aging. Older and overweight dogs are more prone to catch diseases like diabetes, arthritis and high blood pressure and heart diseases. They need a regular and proper check-up now and then.

All above dog health problems wrote to give readers a bit idea of possible signs to identify different kinds of health problems. So you can take quick actions, our pets are our families and we need to take care of them. It is very important that if you see any kind of above health problem try to contact your vet as quick as possible.


  1. These tips are no doubt really helpful for rookie pet owners like I am. I have recently owned a pet and have no idea on how to take care of pets and trust me, your article has really helped me a lot.

    1. Many thanks for your appreciation. We always want to create high quality expert contents that can help new pet lovers.


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